Navigating the Stereotypes of Disability
Photo Alt Text: Pink background with back text reading “Disability is not the barrier, a world designed for non-disabled people is the barrier. Disability is not the problem, stereotypes and perceptions are the problem. Disability is not an inability, lack of accessibility is the inability to see potential” ~ @celia_hensman When disabled people tell you that living in such an ableist society is hard, we mean it. We are sick and tired of being viewed as people who need to be cured. I cannot tell you how much times I have heard someone say “You don’t look sick enough”. A saying that really boils my blood. Why, in the 21st century are we conformed to the notion that disabled people have to “look sick” to have a disability? Surely people most see how wrong this is? Stereotypes are everywhere within society. They are inescapable and the foundation for the ableist society we have today. For the avoidance of doubt, a stereotype is a set idea of what someone is like. Society,...